Friday, June 5, 2015

"Living the Dream"

"When I remember Thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the night watches." (Psalms 63:6) Yes, I know, this Psalm just took on something interesting and mysterious. What do you dream about at night? If I may be so bold, is it all about how wonderful the Lord is, and all the ways you can express your love to Him? or is it mostly other things, like physical fitness, worldly desires, and finding a pot of gold? How about a full set of hair? I know I might have shared this before, but it warrants mentioning again. Once I was laying there in bed, and the most filthy dream came into my head, I instantly cried out in my heart, "Help me Jesus!", and immediately a bright white flash swept across my mind, and the dream was vanished. It mostly felt as though there was an angel standing beside me, he had his sword drawn, and he was just waiting for me to say the words, "Help me Jesus!"; that's all it took, and good bye temptation! Is it really that easy? I don't know, you ask yourself: Do I ask Him for help when I sin? and if I am tempted, and ask Him for help, do I sin anyways? Yesterday I heard Pastor Matt speaking about this very thing, saying something along the lines of this: "The spiritual man cannot sin, but the fleshly man will always sin; thus we have a battle going on within us." Which is right out of Romans 7:24, "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" JESUS!!! That's who! Just ask Him to help, if that is really what you want; the problem that we find with that, is that if it's something we like, we do not ask! But if we sincerely ask Him to help us, then it's won and done! This verse is actually a continuation from the thought in verse five, whereas the colon opens that verse to a deeper understanding of what was being said, which was about being satisfied and praising God with joyful lips and such. Interesting concept... "One night as I lay in bed, I yearned for my lover. I yearned for him, but he did not come. So I said to myself, "I will get up and roam the city, searching in all it's streets and squares. I will search for the one I love." So I searched everywhere but did not find him. The watchmen stopped me as they made their rounds, and I asked, "Have you seen the one I love?" Then scarcely had I left them when I found my love! I caught and held him tightly, then I brought him to my mother's house, into my mother's bed, where I had been conceived. Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right." (Song Of Songs 3:1-5)

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