Tuesday, June 2, 2015

"Better Than Life!" -2

"Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee." (Psalms 63:3) I know what you're thinking, He's just stalling, that's what it is. You might be right; but think of it as chewing on the word like a cow chews it's food; isn't that the way we are meant to read His word? It was the Gospel of John that I chewed on several days after I first accepted Christ into my heart. Actually, I think I might have spent over a week reading it over and over; dissecting it, verse by verse, line by line, especially those words that were written in red, because I knew that those were the word's of my Loving Savior. You have got to know how special John's gospel message was to me, because for most of my life, I was under the spell of the Antichrist, which had caused me to believe that Jesus was really less that who He really is; and then, after seeing who He really was, and how He placed Himself upon that cross for me, I was pretty much wrecked that whole week. One thing was for sure, I could not tell enough people who Jesus really was; I was overwhelmed by this revelation of such a powerful love: that the Creator of my soul should dare to go through such a horrible death, that my soul might be saved from the fires of hell! Wow, what an amazing God we serve! I have sometimes wondered what Paul was thinking for those three days that he was without sight, having so many Scriptures that he had memorized from his youth, suddenly appear before his eyes with new revelation of who Jesus really was; that same Jesus that he would have crucified again and again prior to meeting Him. One thing is for sure, Paul made no qualms over the fact that he would need to suffer for Christ; as a matter of fact, he considered it an honor to do so, especially after all that he had done to try and squash the Gospel movement, prior to have received the message himself. Mine was more of a personal matter, one that involved new respect for a God that I had previously not really understood or seen how much that He actually loved me; the kind of respect that would cause someone to want to obey Him...
"Everyone who sins is breaking God's law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God. And you know that Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in Him. Anyone who continues to live in Him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know Him or understand who He is." (1 John 3:4-6) NLT

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