Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Total Recall"

"Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to Thy mercy remember Thou me for Thy goodness' sake, O LORD." (Psalms 25:7) Unlike us, God's forgiveness is sure; in other words, when God says that He forgives you of your sins, you can believe that your sins have been forgiven, and will not be used against you forever more. How many times do you ask God's forgiveness, and bring up stuff that He has already forgiven you of? You know what I mean; Lord, please forgive me again for having repeated this same stupid sin again; I know I said I would not do it again, but I ask you to please forgive me! When God forgives you of your sin, we should be able to remove that cloud from over our head, because He has; however, it is good for us to remember how lame we are, and how much we rely upon His great mercy! Besides; when we commit that same old stupid sin, again and again, it really is not that same sin we are committing, but it now is a question of something else going on in our hearts; besides just fulfilling a lust, it now is a question of our love for God, and how we are placing our desire for something else over our desire for Him. When it comes to "sins of my youth", what David is speaking of, are sins that were done in adolescence, meaning the transitional stage of learning; which may or may not be childhood, but could represent any time that you have learned a lesson and have moved past it. After we have learned a lesson, and we have been taken past that point of stupidity, our repeat of that sinfulness is now considered to be rebellion; or as David puts it, "transgressions", which is a little stronger word than sin, because sin is falling short, but transgression is to trespass, which is done willfully and unlawfully in rebellion. It is in this line of thinking that David is asking God to "according to His mercy" recall him to mind, not based upon those sins which he committed in ignorance, or those willfully done in rebellion, but for His goodness' sake, which is the sake of His great mercy, that has no boarders or ending!!! There is nothing that we can do that is beyond His great mercy! No matter how hard you fall, God's mercy can absorb your fall; because His mercy is not based upon you and your strength or weakness, but is based upon His great love; which is enough, when recalled, to totally make us new..."O my dove, that are in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance,(!) let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely." (Song of Solomon 2:14)

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