Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Good Means Pure of Heart"

"I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass Thine alter, O LORD:" (Psalms 26:6) If there was one thing that keeps me from destroying myself, it's God's great love and mercy. I don't know how many times I have looked back and wondered how I ever made it through one particular mess or another; but God was there to bring me through to the other side. Although I may not have intentionally sought out to destroy my life, I was surely not innocent of any wrong doing; as a matter of fact, you could probably say I was the only one responsible for each and every wreck that was created in my life. Call it a lack of prayer, or a desire that was not in line with God's will; be it what it may, if my life went off track, it was because I was not on God's track, but my own. That said; I do believe that God's grace can surpass anything that we could ever do or not do in our lives; meaning, that He can make lemonade out of lemons, even if the lemons have been destroyed! Sometimes we must live out certain trials in our lives, for whatever reason they might be, we must know that God is always keeping us within reach. As I have said over and over again, God's great love for us as His children is far greater than anything we could ever understand in this life; there is really nothing that can compare it to, neither will we really comprehend the fullness of the measure, or the greatness by which He has loved each and everyone of us; even before we were formed in our mother's womb! I just cannot comprehend the majesty and the power of a love like that; it's is positively more than this simple mind can explore; the best I can do, is to think about what I know, and then consider His love to be millions of times stronger. This is what I believe it means to be "Pure of Heart"; because we are really not that special compared to one another; neither is one of us more important that the other; but God's love for us is what is special, and because He loves us, individually, that makes us special as a person, and as a single soul that is the apple of His eye. As with Paul's word of encouragement from yesterday's closing verses, we are not yet perfect, but we are made perfect in Christ Jesus; and although we have not yet obtained perfection, His perfection is more than enough to complete us, as long as we are pressing towards that mark... "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself." (Philippians 3:20 & 21)

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