Sunday, February 24, 2013

"Seeing Is Believing"

"For Thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in Thy truth." (Psalms 26:3) The apostle John states in John 1:18, that, "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him". There is no other way to put this, than to say, if you don't think that God sending His Son to die on the cross for you is not a strong enough demonstration of His love for you, then I hope you have a great time in hell, because you are going to need all the hope you can get! Not that I too once could not see His great love for me, because I was once as lost as the you could get. You know what I am talking about? The AC/DC song ringing in my ear, as I was speeding down that "Highway To Hell"; not really caring if that was where I would end up; besides, most of my friends would be there also. It was not until I could see God's great love for me, and what He had sacrificed for my soul; not till then did I actually understand what I was doing was wrong; and when I say wrong, I mean it was wrong for me! You see, that's the whole point of how He reached down and touched my heart; I had no desire to be holy, quite the opposite was my intention; but when God touched my heart, and when His great love was revealed to me, then there was only reaction I could express, and that was to ask Him for His forgiveness! To heck with what everyone else might have thought, I needed to get right with God! That is how is love takes hold of our hearts; making us truly see His great love for us, and the urgency of the response, we must surrender right away; there may not be a second chance! Making a point of how much God's word is truth, and how His promises are sure, requires one to first surrender their life to Him first, and then they are able to realize all the benefits. such as peace, joy, and love; things that you cannot truly understand until you take that step of surrendering your life to Him. But; (and I have had discussions with other believers about this); before we surrender, we must see our great need for His forgiveness and the great sacrifice that He has provided for that great need to be meet. Some are under the opinion that you really can't see who Jesus truly is until you actually accept Him into your heart; but I tend to disagree, because how do we know the love we are responding to, without first understanding how that love was poured out for us? It just does not make any sense at all, that someone would assume God loves them, and then surrender their whole life to Him, without first seeing a measure of that love which He has for them; if you wanted an example of "Blind Faith", then that could be a good one. But I do not believe that faith is blind; faith has truth attached to it, and it has power; both of which are connected to tangible assets, that are only available once you have tasted the love that you have seen..."But as many as receive Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:12-14)

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