Monday, February 25, 2013

"Good Does Mean Good"

"I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers." (Psalms 26:4) Yes, I know we are not perfect, but we are to strive towards perfection; and one of the ways for us to make that happen, is to not hang out with those that oppose godliness. Now I know that there are plenty of reasons to associate with some nonbelievers; one in particular would be so that we can minister to them about Jesus Christ, because before we can get them to care what we have to say, we need them to know that we care. But this is something different; this is entering into fellowship with those things that they love to do which are against what you stand for. Take strip clubs for example; since I was saved in 1981, I have entered one strip club, and it was to look for my crew after work; which was probably within the first two years after I accepted the Lord into my heart. I think I have shared this before, but I was definitely in a place where I did not belong. I knew that they were in there somewhere, but I could not stand to stick around long enough to look for them; it was as if I have entered Babylon during one of the Pagan feast days; it was beyond dark, it was demonic. I realized right then and there that I was not suited for that kind of an environment, and have not been in one of those places since then. But, what David is talking about in this verse, is something a little different than where you hang out with nonbelievers, or even where you hang out with believers; this is about keeping secrets and lying about or to others, something that requires entering into an agreement with someone else to purposely deceive someone else. When it comes to keeping the Ten Commandments, we all know how that is not something possible to accomplish, but that does not mean we can just set out to break anyone of them that we want to. We that are to be representing Jesus, are to be under a New Commandment, which is the commandment of love; and love does not plot out against another! Having said that, I know that there are plenty of situations where you don't tell something to someone for their own good; but it is better to say nothing at all, then to enter into a lie. Once you have been exposed as a liar, it is hard to convince others with the truth; who is going to believe your testimony? As with any one of the Commandments of God, His ways are always good; they produce good character, and they bring good results with raising our families, or any other endeavor that we set out to accomplish. When we do break one of them, it is usually the result of neglect or letting down our guard, resulting in sin and "missing the mark"; but that's because the mark is keeping His commands. When we plot out something wrong, the mark we have now made for ourselves is not the mark we should be aiming for..."Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." (Galatians 6:7-10)

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