Sunday, February 17, 2013


"O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in Thee." (Psalms 25:20) To put this in a little better perspective, we could consider what God requires of us is more like basic requirements that we have to maintain our physical lives; such as breathing, eating, not jumping in front of trains, or any other stupid stuff that we know our mortal bodies cannot sustain. If we have the resources to maintain our sustenance and good common sense, then our chances of living a good long life are pretty good; but if we are cut off from any of the basic needs of our bodies, or if we jeopardize our physical bodies by acts of pure stupidity, then we are surely going to depart this earth sooner that we would otherwise. Oddly enough, the requirements that we have for our soul to be secure in God, are also beneficial to the health of our flesh; although we are denying the flesh it's lustful and sinful nature, we are providing for it a stress free condition and the ability to fully heal it's self, as God has intended it to do. The amount of cancers in the world today are really staggering; I personally know and am surrounded by people who are dealing with some sort of cancer, some minor, and some are beyond a cure; at least a medical cure. Is it our diets? or is it stress? Depending on what kind of junk that you eat, it could be related to your diet; but chances are, it is the stress that stops your natural healing process from working fully, and it lets something malignant grow inside of you. Now about this thing called "liberation", which is something that is available to each and everyone who puts their trust in the Lord; it simply requires that we obey God! Really, it's as simple as that! Obey God, and be free from stress; disobey God and you will be a wreck, spiritually, and then eventually physically. The question we must ask ourselves in asking God to keep our souls and to deliver us from anything that would come against us, is whether or not we are keeping His words as the guide for our lives. Just as food and water are required to maintain this flesh, so to, His Word and His Spirit are required to maintain our soul, and to ensure that it is never ashamed before Him, or anyone else. If there is nothing that we are trying to hold onto, such as sin, unforgiveness, or pride, then there will be nothing that we need to feel shame over; which means that as far as anything which could cause us oppression, we have been liberated... "All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled. For what hath the wise more than the fool? what hath the poor, that knoweth to walk before the living? Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of the spirit." (Ecclesiastes 6:7-9)

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