Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Splitting Adams"

"Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will He teach sinners in the way." (Psalms 25:8) Odd, I know; but do you truly understand what God is doing in your life? Have you ever wondered why Satan even is, and what made him turn against God in the first place? The answer is really quite simple: he was full of pride! Pride is the thing that brings nothing but humility and destruction; which we will soon discover as we witness the result of pride before the throne of God. The word "teach", as in "teach sinners in the way", is a pretty interesting word; it is the Hebrew word 'yarah', and it is a verb that primarily means to throw, shoot, cast or pour. To put it another way, the primary meaning makes the Instructor teach sinners by process or technique; such as was the case in the "hang up your jacket" routine in Karate Kid. We truly may not understand all that God is doing in are lives, but what He does, He does to refine and shape us into His image. If you have ever watched someone do a sculpture, they take away everything that does not fit the image that they are trying to make; thereby, making what they envision appear by removing everything that is in it's way. God sees us as He is, perfect, good and upright; therefore He must remove everything that is in the way of how He sees us. The "way" the David is speaking of is a journey, distance, or a course of life. The best way I think to describe the action of teaching sinners in the way, would be how streams with water running over rocks causes the water to become pure, by the sediments being captured in the rocks. However, the thing that spoils the purity of the water is pride! Pride does not allow God to shape us; it's like placing a dam in the stream, which prevents the water from running freely, and thereby causing it to remain unclean and dirty. That is one of the main points about "sinners", as those who God teaches, that they are reckoned as offenders, and therefore in need of purification. If you know that you are a sinner, then you are less likely to be puffed up with pride. If you know that you are a sinner, then you are more likely to be taught... "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether." (Song of Solomon 2:15-17)

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