Monday, February 4, 2013

"Splitting Adams" -2

"The meek will He guide in judgement: and the meek will He teach His way." (Psalms 25:9) Just when you think you have heard everything, God has something new He wants to tell you about; isn't that the way it goes? A diamond in the rough; just a dirty piece of coal I is; that is, until God gets done with me! If there was a word to best describe the opposite meaning of pride, or someone who is proud of himself, it would be the word "meek", as in poor, weak, humble, lowly, and afflicted; commonly with the added notion of a lowly, pious, and modest mind, which prefers to bear injuries rather than return them. You see, before God can begin to refine you, you must first realize your need to be refurbished! That's right; refurbished means to take something that is old and broken, and to make it like new again. We are a fallen people, and we live in a fallen world, just as Satan too is a fallen angel, and he has made this fallen world his playground for a while; that is until he will be judged and condemned to hell forever. In the meantime, God reaches down and takes one of His treasures out of the hands of the devil, and He refurbishes it! Did you ever take something that was a prize possession of your parents, and go play with it in the mud? Depending on what kind of a parent you had, you may not have enjoyed the circumstances of your actions. I was fortunate to have a mother who was understanding and wise; who, after finding me playing with something valuable, took it away and gave me something less important to play with instead. The devil is not content with playing with the less valuable of God's possessions, because he thinks what is God's should be his; therefore, after God says, No, you cannot have that, it is mine, and of great value!, the devil will look for a way to get hold of it, and try to make it something of less value to God. We must realize our great need for God's restoration; we must count ourselves as afflicted and needy of God's great mercy and grace; and then will God lift us up... "A man's pride shall bring him down: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit." (Proverbs 29:23)  

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