Friday, February 8, 2013

"It's God's Choice"

"What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall He teach in the way that He shall choose." (Psalms 25:12)
Had I paid close enough attention to what my duties were as a father, my son might have turned out more the way that I wanted him to; but like most fathers, I was busy building a business instead of raising a child, and devoting time to his needs for becoming a man. God, on the other hand does not get preoccupied and distracted by other things when it comes to raising His children. As a matter of fact, God not only devotes His time to our growth, but He molds us into the ministry that He wants us to be involved in. Even those things that we could consider as damaging to our growing up, such as in my case, I was lost in drugs and had a very strange way of looking at the world; but God took that experience and made it into a tool that could be used for His kingdom. After committing my life to the Lord, there were still things that were part of my life which God needed to deal with, as there are still today; but God uses each and every one of those things as testimonies of His great mercy, as He sifts the dirt off and produces what He wants revealed. I never was one for wanting to be someone else, but I was always wanting to be a better me. I don't know if you get what I mean, but I would always dream of myself more fit, or talented in other areas; never really thinking about being another person, but thinking more of myself as a bigger or better me; if that makes any sense? We are all different in our own special way, and there really is no such thing as two people who are exactly alike; even identical twins are different in some way or another. That's just the way God has made us, to be special in our own way, each and every one of us are unique in His eye, and each and every one of us have a special purpose for our lives; one that God has designed specifically for us, and one that makes us complete when we have let Him accomplish it in us. It is God that accomplishes the work in us, and it is God that decides what work He will have us to accomplish; it is not up to us, as much as we would like to think or hope that it would be. God is the Potter, we are the clay; I know we think we understand that, but do we actually live it? When it comes to fearing God, our number one priority needs to be our position in reference to His hands; just as a lump of clay in the hands of the potter, we are such in the hands of our Heavenly Father. He is molding us and shaping us into the vessel that He wants us to be, and as the clay within His mighty hands, we must remain workable and willing to be molded..."The rich and the poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all." (Proverbs 22:2)  

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