Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Living Wholeness, Too"

"Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart." (Psalms 26:2) This is no ordinary love that we have been given; I really hope and pray that we all come to understand that with all of our heart; because, I know that I need some work in the area of realizing how much God loves me. Not to say that I do not understand that God loves me, because I am well aware of that; but I think we relate His love to that of our love, more often than we might think. Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I was thinking about how much God loves to make us whole; it's not that He just loves to making us whole, but rather, He loves the process that He produces in our lives that will eventually bring us to the place of completion. The way that I see it, is that God's way of making a pot to His liking, does not take trial and error, but rather it takes splendid detail as the Master Potter etches in a special design into each and every pot that He has formed. To look at that in another way, my first point to focus on would be our willingness to allow Him to detail us; not that He will not do it anyways, because He will; but to become all that God has intended us to be, we must first become willing vessels; and by willing vessels, I mean that we are not fighting God's every move in our lives. Okay, maybe you can't yet see what it is that I am talking about; but the most critical danger to our normal lives is change; it's just something that we naturally tend to avoid, because it is something that involves unknown and uncharted territories. We cannot be changed, if we avoid change; at least not without some serious drama taking place in our lives that gets our attention off of wanting to keep things the way that they are, and making us eager for something to change; that's sadly what it takes most of the time for us to allow God to change us. This is where love comes into focus, because we must be convinced that God loves us; it cannot just be something that we think we know, and therefore we accept it as so; but rather, it must be something that we believe with all of our heart. When we can see God's love for us, that's when we can feel it in our soul; that's when our desire for loving Him swells up within us, and we can feel our need for more and more of His love. The "reins" and "heart" that David is speaking of are seats of appetites and passions; those things that we are affectionate towards, and what it is that moves us and makes us desire living out each and every day. With that; now that we understand how much God loves us, and how much He loves to make us whole, our desire needs to be living out the wholeness that He has intended for us. It is really not that complicated to understand how to allow God to work His perfect will within your life; not once you truly see how much He loves you... "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:16-19)

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