Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Worth of Repeating"

"Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in." (Psalms 24:9) Some things are necessary to be said more than once, especially when it comes to our forgiveness! Why we some times doubt God's forgiveness is beyond me; except to say, that we are so use to looking at God based upon what we know about ourselves, and not based upon who He is, and what He has done for us because of His love, not our integrity or worthiness. I don't quite remember the plot, but for some reason as I was praying about this verse this morning, I pictured those 'Blockhead' characters from that old Gumby show; just what was their deal, and why were they always after Gumby and Pokey? Why is it that we always try to complicate things when it comes to God's willingness to forgive us? Putting some kind of requirement upon God's grace, as if it must be purchased by our own worth; when we fail to understand that we are not worthy of purchasing anything, neither do we have what it takes to scrape up enough good in us to be able to. We might not remember this from 50 years ago, but the guy that created Gumby also had created "Davey and Goliath" which was put out by the Lutheran Church of America. Not that it makes much difference, but "The Gumby Show" was actually put out by Dreamworks Classics, and is currently still showing on Christian Satellite Television, as is Davey and Goliath. Anyways; the message is simple, and is worth of repeating it over and over again; because God's grace and mercy is something that we could never afford, nor can it be purchased by our worth; we just don't have what it takes to muster that much worth, nor does He expect us to try and find it! Instead; God expects us to believe and trust in Him that He has given us all of His love, and that He is more than willing to forgive us; not based upon our worthiness, but based upon the worthiness of Jesus Christ His Son; for only Jesus had what it took to purchase our everlasting life! This verse might appear to be the same as verse seven, but there is one slight difference, which is the previous verse said "and be ye lifted up" prior to "ye everlasting doors"; while this verse says, "even lift them up" prior to "ye everlasting doors". Both of these variations have the same meaning, it's just a slight difference in the application; and one is asking to be lifted, while the other is asking for assistance...Something we all need!!!

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