Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Current Location"

[A Psalm of David.]"Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul." (Psalms 25:1) You have got to love the way God works; He has such a great way of making dots connect together, even where there were no dots before. The first thing that came into my mind this morning was God's love for me. I was just amazed how much He loves me and continues to love me, even though I sometimes do not live as though I am cherished as much as I am. As I dwelt upon this supernatural fact, I realized how important it is that we understand just how much God loves us; it is pretty much impossible to understand our relationship with God without first knowing and accepting how much He loves us. This is where David is beginning this Psalm; as a man who is weak and weary; not because he has troubles surrounding him here, but because he realizes just how much God loves him, and how much he neglects acknowledging that love by his thoughts and actions; he is weak when it comes to loving God back, and he is weary over his weakness. The little blue dot in my navigation app is my current location; it tells me where I am in relation to where I want to be. Sometimes I forget to set the 'current location' in the 'from' box, especially if it a place traveled recently, the app will sometimes place some other location in the 'from box', and then my directions are totally off. This is how we must view our relationship with God; never from where it was that we previously had been taken, because that's not where we are in our 'current location'; we are always needing to be lifted up to His love, because we can never fully understand how much He loves us; neither can we base our acceptance of His love on a previous experience or happening in our lives; His love requires that we constantly refresh our 'current location'. The primary reason that this is so, is because God requires us to come to where He is at: "Come unto Me" are the words of our Lord, "and I will give you rest". And doing so requires that we come as we are, not to come to Him as if we are what we were when we had that last great experience in His Spirit, because that moment has passed, and now is something new, because His love is always fresh and new..." My beloved is unto me as a  cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi. Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes. Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green. The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir. I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love." (Song of Solomon 1:14-2:4) 

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