Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"I Shall Not Want"

[A Psalm of David.]"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." (Psalms 23:1) Because I know the voice of my Shepherd (John 10:3), I know all the good that He has in store for me; maybe not all the details, or even the actual journey that He will lead me on; but I know that Jesus will never leave me or forsake me, and that He has nothing but good things for me, of which He is deeply desiring for me to experience. This is the thing about not wanting, because how are we satisfied with where the Lord has us, or with what the Lord has given to us, if we are constantly wanting? I am really not one to talk. I want every single day, and more than not, I am in a wanting state multiple times of the day, because I am constantly wanting Jesus to heal my wife. I cannot seriously say that I shall not want, if in fact I am constantly wanting something of the Lord; wouldn't you agree? After almost nine and half years, you would think that I would have gotten over asking for her to be healed, and would have moved on to something else, like asking the Lord to take her home; but it is not that simple. I love caring for her; and I love that I can still care for her. More than anything else, I love that there still is hope; as long as she has life in her, there is hope that the Lord will heal her, and there is hope that we can speak again to each other, and that we can share our hearts to one another. That is really all that I am asking for, is for her to be share her heart with me; I share my heart with her every day we are together, and I would really love it for her to do the same. Do you think that God wants the same thing from us? Hasn't He poured out His heart to us by giving us His Word, that we can read how much He loves us; by giving us His only begotten Son, that we could have real fellowship with Him; and by filling us with His Holy Spirit that we can experience the comfort, love and joy that can only come through Him? It is thought that David had written this Psalm while he was fleeing from Saul; not really a time when he was not wanting anything, because there were plenty of times during his hiding out in the wilderness that he wanted food, or shelter, or even to have fellowship with the ones that he loved; but what it was that he always had was fellowship with God. He never needed to worry about God's intentions for his life, or whether or not God loved him, or if God was watching out for him; because He had a relationship with his Heavenly Father! If you do not think David poured his heart out to the Lord, think again! Look at all the Psalms that he wrote, and imagine that for every verse that he had written, there most have been a thousand words that he had thought in his heart towards God. That is just the way that it works; as we meditate on the Lord and we express our heart to Him, there is no way possible that we can write down all that is shared between God and a persons heart. It's like an onion that can never be pealed one layer at a time; with thousands of layers, each one giving off a new aroma, and each layer pulling apart and overlapping the next. The Lord wants us to pour our hearts out to Him; His desire for us is to be able to share our hearts with Him and to know that He is listening. Sure; we should not need or have want of anything; because if we are truly trusting the Lord in all things, then we should be content with what He has given us; but the one thing that we should always have need of is more of Him: more love; more power; more of Him in our life. And, there is the one thing that we should never ever have need of, and that is our ability to have fellowship with the Lord for ever and ever... "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them to Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are One." (John 10:27-30)

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