Saturday, January 26, 2013

"Guidance And Protection"

As you might guess, the title of Psalms Twenty Five in my Bible is, "A Prayer for Guidance And Protection"; two things that we never run out of the need to pray for! And having witnessed the great and awesome power of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, we can add confidence to the list of what should be expected of us. Within these twenty two verses are the general things that we must continually be in prayer for, and what we must continually expect to be in need of, no matter how mature we are, or think that we are in the Lord. Guidance is probably the most important thing that a Christian should be seeking from the Lord on a daily basis; for without seeking the direction of the Lord, we can find ourselves in a pretty serious place, where we should have not belonged; "all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer". But seriously, we must ask and seek God's guidance for our lives, and we must be doing so on a daily basis; not just at the beginning of the year, or the first part of every week; but it should be something that we continually keep at the forefront of our minds, as if He were our G.P.S. directional way to move through each and every day. It is amazing to me how much I depend upon my phone for directions on getting around, especially the app that I have which shows my position in reference to where I want to end up; it's a little blue flashing dot that travels towards a red dot along a blue line, the blue line being the route by which I should travel. I never carry maps anymore, or print out maps to my destinations; but just type in and address, and then follow the blue line to the red dot. If we know the way that we are going, we do not need to rely upon and sort of guidance system to get there; but are we always sure which way God wants us to go, or do we just ask Him for help once we get lost or have run out of road? The only way that we can be sure where God wants us to go, is if we are watching that little blue dot, which is us, in relationship to the blue line, which is where God is leading us, and the only way that we can see that blue line is by asking for His guidance, from red dot to red dot. The second most important thing that we should always be asking for is for God's protection; which is not just against our enemies or unforeseen problems which we might face, but for protection from the mistakes that we might make upon our daily journey. I do a lot of traveling each and every day that I am working, because my line of work requires that I go to my customers, they do not come to me; and the two most important things that are on my mind is finding the place where I am going, and getting there safely and without any issues, like running out of gas or something like that. You would be amazed by the amount of times I worry about running out of gas; mostly because I have the miles listed I have left to travel, but it goes away after thirty miles, and simply says "Low Fuel Warning". I think the most I have been able to fill my tank so far when it was empty was about 24.4 gallons, and I thought it was only a 22 gallon tank. Anyways, I think you get my point; we are not alone, and we should not ever act as if we are; God is always there waiting for us to ask Him for guidance and protection, and so we should be...ALWAYS!!!

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