Monday, January 21, 2013

"The Everlasting Doors"

"Who is this King of Glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle." (Psalms 24:8) In the previous verse, David made reference to "everlasting doors"; doors that only He can open, and no man can shut. You do realize that Jesus took the world by force, right? Looking at the sinfulness of mankind, we can see that the brutishness of a man's heart really does not have boundaries; for the sickness of the crimes against his fellowman are sometimes unimaginable. Yet, the punishment that Jesus endured for this world was a mirror of the sickness of our hearts; every strip, and every insult; being spat upon, and having his beard ripped from His face; the mocking of who He was, and what He came to do; all of it represented the wickedness of the human heart. Sure, He laid His life down, but He laid it down with force and power! The accounts of those things which had happened as Jesus gave up His life, are accounts of the power of His death upon that cross: the sky was blackened; graves were opened and the dead walked the streets; the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom; and least we forget, the sins of all mankind were purchased with His blood!!! But He was not done yet! For when He ascended up into heaven, He opened up those doors of heaven unto us! The First of the Resurrection, He made the way for those doors to remain opened unto us, for ever and ever, and always we will be with Him in heaven; all because of what He has done! "Who is this King of glory?" His name is Jesus, and He has taken this world by force! The shear power of His blood was enough to cover all the sins of all mankind; not to mention the power of His resurrection, which like a mighty vacuum, continues to draw our souls up into heaven. As with any great king that has ever lived, they are great because of there conquests and their strategy to overcome their enemies; so too, was our King "strong and mighty", "mighty in battle", for He has conquered sin and death, for ever...

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