Thursday, January 3, 2013

"Comfort and Care"

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters." (Psalms 23:2) Having one to care for that you love is something that can make you understand some things in a little different light; not that I have anything to brag about, but it just means that I have been blessed to experience something that very few have opportunity to live out. Being cared for by our Lord is the greatest feeling that we can ever know; the peace that it brings in knowing He will never leave you or forsake you, and how He will always bring you through to the other side of every difficulty; it is not that easy to explain the kind of peace that surrounds those that have put their faith in the Lord for His protection. I have only had one accident with my wife in all of these years in caring for her, and it happen on Mother's Day a few years ago. I was taking her to the restaurant to meet her mother for dinner, and as I was rounding a corner her chair fell over in the back of the van. My heart stopped; I instantly stopped in the middle of the road, and was in total shock. I could not get her chair back up, so I had to unstrap her and lift her onto the rear seat, which I belted her into until we could get to the restaurant; at which time I had my father-in-law help me hold her chair, as I lifted her out of the van to place her in it. It was the worst feeling I had felt in a long long time. The only way I can describe what I felt, is that my insides felt all dried up; if that helps you understand what I was feeling. The most memorable thing about that day was the look on her face after her chair had tipped over; as her face was planted against the side of the van, she was so helpless looking, and very visibly uncomfortable. I always double check her straps every since that day, because I never ever want to experience that again. Jesus takes extra care in providing for us also; sometimes, so much so that we don't realize the dangers and the problems that surround us; that is until we step outside of His protective arms. When we are abiding in His loving arms, there is no care in the world that can cause us discomfort; nothing can harm us or make us concerned about provisions, or health, or welfare, or any other thing that might usually cause us to worry. If you find yourself worrying about your life in way whatsoever, then I suggest that you evaluate whether or not you have stepped out of the loving arms of your Lord; because in His care there is no discomfort, but in this world there always will be. Jesus does not make mistakes, and in His care, there will be no accidents that can happen to us, because He is always watching over us...Do You Believe That??? "Better is little with fear of the LORD, than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." (Proverbs 15:16 & 17)

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