Wednesday, January 23, 2013


"Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of Glory. Selah." (Psalms 24:10) His name is JESUS; He is Jehovah, our Salvation and our Righteousness; He is the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End; the Alpha and the Omega; the Bright and Morning Star; and He will be returning very soon to snatch up His bride, the church! There will be no knocking on that day, at least not from Him; only from those who will be left behind, as they knock upon His door and request to enter. Now is the time of salvation; now is the time to open up our hearts and let Him in, because He is knocking now! One more day, is a slogan that seems to run out of time, and has a limited supply of mornings; yet, there are those who know in their hearts what they must do, yet they put off every day what they should have done yesterday. Today is meant to be a new day, and yesterday was meant to be in the past; yet they continue to look for tomorrow as the day they will commit their lives completely. When all is said and done, it will come down to this one and only question: Is Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? Or, do you just call Him Lord, yet you still are the one controlling your own life? In the Letter to the Church of Ephesus, which is in Revelation 2:1-7, Jesus mentions a phrase that is all too familiar to many, yet it is seldom taken into account; the phrase is, "Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love". The word "first" not only means first in time or place, it also means first in rank, as in the chief or principal love; putting the focus on that which we love the most, not that which we loved first. Basically, what that is implying, is that we are to love Jesus Christ above all else; of which the church was not doing, even though they did many works in His name, and labored patiently, and had not fainted; they still lacked loving Him first, because they were more involved in the ministry than they were in the Saviour of their souls. What do you think happens there in that instance? Put it this way: It is not instant; it happens gradually, and slowly; day by day, you become more involved in what you are doing than in the reason you are doing it. It is the same for those who put off for tomorrow what they should have done yesterday; the days no longer matter anymore, only their own desires and selfishness; until they reach a point where tomorrow is too far out of reach. The One and Only is not just to be our King of Glory, but He must also be our One and Only Love; far and above everything else, we must love Him with all of our hearts. Only in doing that, will today really matter!!! "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelations 2:5)

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