Thursday, January 10, 2013

"We Belong to The LORD"

[[A Psalm of David]]"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" (Psalms 24:1) If you really think about it, those that say they do not believe in God are going to be in for a very big surprise; just because you say that you don't believe in Him, does not make Him not own your soul. If you are like me and take the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, then you would agree that what the Bible says is sure and truth; unfortunately, not everyone that confesses to be a Christian believes that every word written in the Bible is true, because I have met some who say they are Christian and yet they do not believe every word that is written in the Bible. Somehow there are some who make determinations within their own hearts and minds which parts of Scripture are relevant for this day and age, or for the life that they have chosen to live; all because it was written thousands of years ago, they have bought into the lie that it is outdated and does not reflect this modern day world that we live in. It's really kind of funny how much we have all become worshipers of energy and power; because once the grid is turned off, there is nothing new under the sun! Before I was a Christian, I went through a phase for at least two years, where I tried to convince all my friends and relatives that we were being all led into a trap of dependency upon progress and commerce. Not many would listen to me then; and I really did not end up listening to myself, because just a few years later I was making money and starting a family like everyone else; with no care for what might happen if everything stopped being delivered to the markets, but just being focused on what I needed to do so that I could continue to shop at the market. I was reading an article yesterday about a family in Florida that is going to be fined $500.00 a day starting today, if they do not dig up their garden in their 25ft x 25ft front yard and put in lawn, as per the wishes of the city in which they live. If you really want a treat, you should watch a movie called "Uncle Nino", and see what he thinks about yards with lawns; it is sure to make you think about what we have accepted as important. I was asked the other day why it is important that we pray for our food and give thanks before each meal. Not wanting to make the person seem ignorant, I told them that it was because God is the one that provides us our food; even though we purchase food for our consumption, it is God that keeps the sun shining each day so the crops will grow, and it is God who provides the resources that we might enjoy all that He has provided. This all belongs to God; let us not ever forget that! That includes you and me, and every single person that has ever lived; we all belong to God! So next time you have an encounter with someone who says that God does not exist, tell them that just because they do not believe in Him, does not mean that He does not own their soul; and because He does own their soul, they will be answering Him one day for not believing that He is there...

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