Monday, January 7, 2013

"Jesus Loves Me, More Than I Know"

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." (Psalms 23:5) And just when you thought it could not get any better, you find out that this is just the beginning of His blessing that He has for you; more blessings than you can count! What is it that should motivate us to love our God; is it fear or love? I think that we need to adhere to both; but it is the love of God that should persuade our heart's response to Him. He loves us so much, and has given so much for us to love Him back; our fear should be that we offend Him in doing something foolish against Him, and not loving Him with everything that we have inside of us. The first thing that we must convince ourselves is that of our need for His great mercy; it must always be something that is pressed into our minds, that without His great mercy for us, we are toast. I think some people think that His mercy is not that important any more after they have been forgive and have been lifted by His grace. Here is a little picture of mercy that never runs out, because we are such unfaithful creatures, and because His unending mercy, we would have been toast long ago! We must never ever think that we are too strong to need His mercy for our lives; and just when you do, you will soon find out how wrong you were about you own strength. I really like Matthew Henry's take on the little ewe-lamb that the poor man had did feed at his own table, had him drink of his own cup, and had him lay in his own bosom (2 Samuel 12:3); and how David must have seen this as himself being provided and cared for by the Lord. As not just a sheep amongst a herd of sheep, but one that is special in the sight of the Lord, and of His own choosing; brought into His house and treated as His only one. And just just His only one, but a tiny ewe-lamb, that is pretty much still dependent upon milk and being hand feed; and is one that can definitely not protect itself in the wild. This is the picture we have of God's great mercy towards us; because that is us, each and everyone of us are helpless without His great mercy. And if you really want to know something amazing, then you should try and imagine what it would be like without His mercy, and then see how the least little bit of His mercy matters; and then meditate upon the mercy that He has given you: words cannot explain the relief that you feel inside, once you really know that you are truly and undeniably loved, more than you can ever know... "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil." (Proverbs 16:6)

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