Saturday, December 29, 2012

"We Are The LORD'S"

"A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation." (Psalms 22:30) Continuing on in what we have been shown, and passing down what we have received, is not only the responsibility of the church, but it is the thing which the Lord shall accomplish until that day that He no longer needs it to happen. Until that time, the Lord will ensure that there is always a remnant of His children here to continue that which He has begun. Although, seeing this next generation that is rising up, I sometimes worry about how many will still be here; and then again, He looks at the heart, of which, He can see more clearly those that are truly His, and those that simply play church and really are not. As we draw closer and closer to His coming, I really believe that there will be a "last call" to enter into His family; it may not be something that will be highly noticeable, or even something that will be detected by those that are watching for a sign of it to happen; but something of a stirring among those that have wondered and been hoping for a sign of something real that they might believe in. I think we seem to forget that He calls us, and then we are required to answer; this is one of those great mysteries of the ages, and one that is very hard to think about; but He is the one who has chosen us, and as His chosen people, we are those that He has called His children. With that in mind, and without getting lost in to much predestination, let's just say that some of His children are not listening or seeing yet what He is saying; therefore, they are outside of the fold, and have yet to open the door of their hearts. I believe that the main reason for this to happen is because they have not yet witnessed a true life that is changed, and those that they have witnessed who are said to be His, have been something of a disappointment when it comes to showing forth the life of a child of God. That does not mean that all is lost for that next generation of believers, because the Lord is faithful in getting those that are His to turn; He will just make it something personal in them, not based upon the life of another. Anyhow; we that currently know that we are His children must be kept ready for His return; something that requires that we stay in constant fellowship with Him, and do not be caught without oil in our lamps. He is returning very soon; whether you care to believe it or not! And, when Jesus spoke about "two would be walking, and one taken, and one would be left", I do believe He was talking about those that were meant to be both His children; whereas, one of His children was ready, and the other was not. I know that might sound a little strange to some, and they might think He would not leave any behind; but the 'Five Foolish Virgins' were virgins, they just were caught not ready to enter in... "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Luke 21:33-36)

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