Friday, December 28, 2012

"LORD of All"

"All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him: and none can keep alive his own soul." (Psalms 22:29) There are a lot of strange beliefs out there; some of which have tried to incorporate the notion that we must save ourselves; as if somehow what Jesus did on the cross was not enough to cleanse away all of our sin, but was only enough to make way for us to be cleansed by our own righteousness. There is life in none other than Jesus Christ; which basically means, that your eternal life is only given by your belief in Jesus and His finished work; not some halfhearted acceptance of what God has done for us, and how we are still the one's who need to finish the job. The job was done! Jesus came and He accomplished all that He needed to do for us to be forgiven, raised up, and glorified in heaven; just as He was raised up and glorified, so shall we be also; and it is only because He is glorified!!! If you read Isaiah 55, especially the first few verses, then you will see that "The Waters" which are made available to all, are not something that can be purchased or labored for, but are given freely, without money and without a cost. The point of what this is making, is that there is nothing left for us to do, other than to believe upon Jesus and turn towards Him; after that, it is all about Him and nothing more of us! That "new creature" spoken of by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17, is a new creation that is in Christ Jesus and everything about this new creature is now based upon it's life in Christ. There is really no other way to see what has taken place; nor will there be any other way that it shall be revealed to us later; as a matter of fact, we will be so blown away by all that He has done, that even anything that we may have thought we did, we will be surrendering to Him. Therefore; seeing that there is nothing that we can do to add to or take away from our salvation, why don't we just surrender all to Him now? That is what He is waiting for; that is what He has finished the work for; that we can rest in His finished work, and that which has burdened our souls should be no more! There are none who shall be able to stand before Him on their own accord; for all will bow before Him as LORD, and all will know that there is life in none other; both the rich and prosperous, as well as the poor and destitute; all will stand before Him as the same, for none of that which they had before, or did not have, will matter...

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