Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Beyond Measure"

[To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar, A Psalm of David.] "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? why art Thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?" (Psalms 22:1)  Not a single soul shall not come to understand and see the power of God's love! That is something everyone needs to know now, because later on, they who do not receive His love now will see what they rejected, and they will suffer with that truth as they are tormented internally forever in Hell. As we move from Psalms Twenty One and begin now into 'The Twenty-Second Psalm', I would like to recall why the victory that was established by Jesus Christ is something that we must not only hold unto with all of our might, but we must establish it within our hearts as our victory also. God loves us so very much! And because of His great love for us, He has created a way for us to have victory over each and every sin that could possibly enter into the heart of man, or woman; a real victory, that is not based upon our ability to overcome that sinfulness within us, because that is something we must understand as the flesh, which was crucified on that cross with Christ along with our sins. Therefore when the flesh rises up, it must not be fed, but must be counted as dead in Christ! That might sound as though we are still responsible to overcome something on our own, but it really involves our ability to rely on Jesus Christ and the victory that He won over the power of sin; which included not only the punishment of sin and the death associated with it, but it also included the sinfulness of man, which is that which causes us to fall into a state of sinfulness and condemnation before the Father. In other words; the victory we have over sin is only found in Jesus Christ, who not only paid the price for our sins, but also became the Victor over our weaknesses; all that we need to do, is to walk in Him, and we are guaranteed to be victorious! The title of Psalms 23 that is printed in my Bible, is "Anguish and Praise", and it represents the cost of our sinfulness to be removed forever and ever. Much of this Psalm can only be attributed to Jesus Christ and His suffering, humility and anguish that was demonstrated by His coming here in the form of a man and taking our place upon the cross. The introduction to this Psalm is one that requires some looking at, because here David again makes reference to something that this song is to be played upon; which here is described as "Aijeleth Shahar", which basically means, "Hind of the Morning". This is not an instument to which this is to be played upon, but is rather the melody to which it is to be played. It's discription is one of the morning sun shedding it's first beams, and represents the joy that will dawn after misery; quote: "In calamity there is hope, for the end of a dark night is the dawn." (Enwari Soheil) The amount of suffering that Jesus experienced upon the cross is something that we could never know, nor can it be measured; because at the center of His suffering was the separation from His Father because of the sins He took upon Himself as He hung upon the cross. This is real anguish that we see spoken in this first verse of this beautiful Psalm; a Psalm the not only portrays the anguish of what Jesus suffered, but turns that anguish to praise because of what the Lord has done. In this we must always remember, that we can never ever suffer anything more than Jesus suffered upon that cross; and yet too, His suffering was in our place, that the separation we had from the Father could be eliminated by the separation that He suffered for us. On the flip side of all of that, we have what Hell shall represent; which will be eternal separation from God and His love; even after getting a glimpse of what should have been, and seeing the great love which was rejected, every moment spent in that eternity will be the torment of separation. I find it rather interesting how that works out; because just as God's great love for us is beyond measuse, so shall the missery suffered from those who become eternally separated from that love... "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? why art Thou so far from helping me, and from hearing the words of my roaring?"

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