Sunday, December 9, 2012

"The Providential King"

"I was cast upon Thee from the womb: Thou art my God from my mother's belly." (Psalms 22:10) Whether you might believe it or not, if you are alive today, and if you are reading this blog, then God has brought you to this place. I know that might sound a little strange to some, but God has His hand upon each and every one of us that are His children; and each and every one of us alive today have a chance to become one of His children! It is His will that everyone turns towards Him for His free offer of salvation; an offer that He has extended to every man, woman and child that has ever lived. Looking back upon my life, I can see how God's hand was upon me; guiding out of some very dangerous places, steering dangers away from me; causing me to stop supernaturally from being hit by a car, as if my feet were stuck to the ground for just a brief second. So many times I should have been killed or badly injured, yet God's great hand of protection was upon my life. I was reminded yesterday of the "Footprints In The Sand" and how much that speaks to the way that God carries us through those most difficult times in our lives. We might not notice that He is there, and that He has us firmly in His arms; mostly because our most difficult times are so overwhelming, it is all we can do to keep our breath; but despite all the pain and suffering, He is there, and He is helping us with the pain that we are not meant to endure. This verse today is one that we can take upon ourselves and call our own, for it is true for each and everyone of those that have been called of God: He has had His hand upon your life since you were within your mother's belly! Looking at the word "cast", I was at first not that thrilled with the definitions that I saw; until I began looking closer, and taking the time to meditate upon what some of them meant. Just the word cast is enough to make one think, because just as we 'cast all of our cares upon Him, He cares for us', because we were cast upon Him from our mother's womb; which means that we were no His mind, in His thoughts, and within His divine plan for eternity. A couple things that I received from these definitions, were things like, 'adventured', 'to cast forth', 'to pluck'; with 'to pluck' being one that really made me think, for it speaks of "from his teeth I plucked the prey", which is what God has done in my life over and over again, as He has delivered me from the mouth of the enemy, who has wanted to devour me and destroy me all of my life. We can see the Father's hand upon the life of His Son, as He brought Him through childhood and to the place called Calvary; all along the way protecting Him from anything that would prevent Him from reaching that for which He was called to do. And we know that many who stood around Him were weary, wondering how someone could be destroyed at such a time as He was, having only been doing His ministry for three and a half years," He could have done so much more", they all most have thought. But that was what He came for, that He should be nailed upon that cross for each and every sin of this entire world; that none should have to be lost, and that everyone who so chooses, can have eternal life in Him... If you have not made that choice, won't you do so today...

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