Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"To Hell and Back"

"Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog." (Psalms 22:20) There are not to many ways that you can interpret this passage once you have understood it's meaning, because I believe that these verses that we are in right now are all speaking about those three days in which Jesus visited Hell, and ministered to those that had been waiting, some for thousands of years. Looking at the word "Sword", it is a word that means a cutting tool, whether that be an axe, a knife, or a sword; the general idea is that there is something which is cut, as in a life is cut off or ended. His soul is then referred to as "my darling", which means 'only one', as in 'only begotten son'; that which is most dear and cannot be replaced. And the "power of the dog" is speaking of that which has strength or power in and of the lowest place imaginable to go into, and to hope to come out of. Dogs were considered despised and unclean animals, so by way of reproach, so is anyone that is called a dog, or a dead dog. The general point that is made here, is that of being taken beyond the grave; having died and become as a dog, or dead dog if you will, the power of that dog goes beyond the actual burial place or resting place, and the soul is delivered into Hell, or in this case Jesus would be taken into Paradise, where a multitude of those that looked for His coming would be waiting. As far as our hope is concerned, this is our prayer and our belief for ourselves; that we should be delivered from the sting of death, and that which was to hold us will have no power over us any longer because we have been given eternal life through Jesus Christ. This is why I said that this compartment which was once there for thousands of years does no longer exist in that place called Hell; which is not that actual Hell which was spoken as the eternal place of torment. When I die, I do not expect to be waiting to be with the Lord; my waiting time is happening right now, because I expect to be in His presence as soon as I this earthly temple is dissolved. It might actually be some time before that will happen, but I will not be realizing the time that passes, because I have passed into God's time soon, where time does not exist. Anyways, that is how I see it happening, and you may believe it differently, but that is alright; it is really not a subject that determines if you are a true believer or not; kind of like "pre-tribulation" verses "post-tribulation" beliefs, we might differ on the way we see it, but in the end, we will all know the real truth and be together for ever in eternity; in the mean time, I don't believe we shall be going through the hell of the tribulation, because Christ has delivered the church from that. Now that Christ Jesus is glorified and has taken His place in heaven, there is nothing left for His church to be taken through, or to be subject to have to be judged through, such as the Great Tribulation. Sure, there shall be suffering and trials, persecutions and death; but these are delivered to the believers by the evil powers of the world; that which is to be poured out upon the earth during the Great Tribulation is brought on by Jesus, and will be His judgement that is poured out upon those that have rejected His testimony; but you can stick around if you want to, I guess... "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Revelations 6:15-17) 

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