Monday, December 10, 2012

"Only God Can Help"

"Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help." (Psalms22:11) Some people trust in money, and some trust in idols; but only God can change where you will spend eternity! As I was thinking on this verse this morning, I thought about all the stupid things that I have done in the past that I thought would change outcome. Maybe you know what I am talking about; because I know we all do them, and some of us do them almost every day. I am talking about stupid bad luck and good luck practices, such as not walking under ladders, or opening an umbrella in the house, or breaking a mirror; things that are said to be something that we should or should not do because they will bring about certain things. These things that I have listed are only obvious ones that really stand out, but there are others we do that are not so obvious, some of which we may not even realize that we do. When it comes to placing all of our trust in God, there is nothing else that we can put our trust in that can compare to the power of God; nothing will ever come close to His great
ability to save us from ourselves. How many times I have done something a certain way, thinking that if I fail to do it that way, then my universe will be disrupted. Would you call that an idol of sorts? I would. Sometimes an idol can be anything that we place in front of God's ability to do anything; which can be the way we approach Him, or the direction that we face when we pray to Him, or whether or not bow our heads when we pray. These might seem like silly things to be talking about, but to some, they are like walking under ladders or breaking mirrors; if it is not done a certain way, then a curse will result instead of a blessing. I do not know of anything I could be faced with that God could not take care of, and that He cannot handle; yet I can sure think of a lot of things that I have not asked Him to help me through. Do you understand what I am getting at? There are some things that I might think God will not fix the way I want, so therefore I might not ask Him for His help in that particular matter or circumstance; instead, I will do it my own foolish way, and rely on previous incantations of experience. These too are idols, and are things that make God far removed from our trust in Him; although He is never far from helping us, in our minds we have made it so... He wants us to trust Him with all of our heart, because only He is God...

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