Monday, December 17, 2012

"To Each His Own?"

"They parted my garments among them, and casts lots upon my vesture." (Psalms 22:18) We know what this verse is about, for we have heard it and seen it played out over and over again; but regarding the post from yesterday, there is something that we have settled for in our churches, and that is for the truth to not be told. Don't get me wrong, because there are many churches out there that speak the truth, and they do so with great authority; but the church as a whole has come to some kind of an agreement with the enemy, and they have somehow agreed to not push back against the lies and the misguidance that other people have bought into. After giving the message a church yesterday, I was speaking to a visitor about this weeks upcoming services, and he began to criticise my message because I had spoken out against a false religion that I had been raised in. I was teaching on Acts 9:20-31, and I was relating Paul's conversation to that of my own, and how Paul had a heart for those that were deceived as he was, as he witnessed to the religious leaders and the Grecians. I too had a heart for those that were trapped in false religions, especially the one that I was raised in as a child. What this brother said to me really made me think, because he believes that we should not speak out against false doctrine; nor should we confront them with the truth, but just leave them alone because what they believe is what they believe. I do not believe that this is biblical, nor is it what Jesus practiced while He was among His people. The truth is what sets people free, and people need to be shown the truth, especially when they are on the "wide path to destruction"! Believe what you will about things like baptism, or how often to take communion, or which feasts to celebrate; but when it comes to who Jesus is, what He came here for, and what He has accomplished, to these there are no acceptable variations to their truth. Today, what I see this verse saying, is the essence of what I am feeling in my heart. "They parted my garments among them" is something that speaks to the parting of the truth of who Jesus was, is, and always will be; some part of Jesus is okay, as long as you are using the name, or as long as you have some good place for Him in what you believe. His garments were His covering, with which anything is wrapped up in; speaking to that which was revealed to the world, His covering was who He was. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God"; there is not a whole lot of room left there to argue whether or not the Word was God! A little later in the same chapter, John says in verse fourteen, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth". Make no mistake about this portion of Scripture, and whether of not John was talking about a lesser God, or some other form of a god; because the LORD is ONE GOD, and there is none other that we shall answer to!!! PERIOD! "They cast lots upon my vesture" speaks to me about those that gamble with half truths and not receiving the full content of God's testimony. These are those among us who only take the portions of His Word that they agree with, and disregard the portions that they don't. I truly believe that we are living in the last days; much of what is happening in the world today is bringing us towards a one world system; and it is just a matter of when He comes back, not if He comes back! If we truly are to love our brother, then how can we let a brother be dragged into hell by believing a lie; and who is our brother?

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