Sunday, December 2, 2012


"O my God, I cry in the daytime, but Thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent." (Psalms 22:2) The general premise of the verse is that of determination to make sure God hears your prayer. If you really and truly believe that He is there, then you will not give up until you have received a response! The actual word being used here for "daytime" means day and night, or continually asking or crying out. In Luke 11:9, Jesus is speaking about how much more our Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask, and He speaks about persistent prayer, by saying, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". In the original writings, it speaks more about "Keep on asking; Keep on seeking; Keep on knocking." If we really want God to fill us with His Spirit, then He will! The question that comes to my mind, is do we really want Him to do it? That might sound like a silly question; but if a person does not want to get serious about changing their life, then they are not really going to want to be filled with the Holy Spirit. However; the odd part of that is, the only way that you are truly going to want to change your life, is if you are filled with the Spirit!!! Interesting how that works; it's not our power that make us right, it is God's power that changes us and makes our will conform with His; we just have to want Him to make it happen. When we are filled with the Spirit of God, our desire to walk in the flesh is no longer what controls us, but it is now the Spirit of God that not only guides us, but also directs our passions; we become passionate about the things of God, and less concerned about the things of this world. But we must be determined to have God take complete control of our life! It really does not get much similar than that. Do you want to have victory over that sin in your life? If so, then get determined to be filled with the Holy Spirit; and if you still feel weak, then ask Him for more and more of Him. God is always willing to give us that which we need to be victorious, because He is a giver of good gifts, and if you are His child, then He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can handle; nor will He let you be persecuted beyond that which you can stand; but He will stretch us, and make us more determined for Him and for His Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and guide us, and comfort us, and give us the power to be over comers; it does take something called determination...

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