Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"God Has Prevailed"

"Our fathers trusted in Thee: they trusted, and Thou didst deliver them." (Psalms 22:4) Since I was a child, I can remember the first time I watched the movie "The Ten Commandments", and I remember how my brothers, sister and I sat on the floor of the theater, just below the screen and watched as the sea parted, and the children of Israel walked through as if on dry land. I knew that this was a movie, but I also knew that the story was true; deep down in my heart, I believed everything that was written in those pages of the Bible; even from a very young age, it was a book that I held sacred and believed was God's inspired written words. Believing in the Bible as God's Holy words will not save anyone, sad to say; because unless you have God's Holy Spirit dwelling within you, that's all they are to you, just words! I found that out when I accepted Jesus into my heart in September 1981; as I began to read the Bible for the first time as a new creation in Christ, all the old stories, and all the old familiar Scriptures all had new meaning, and took on a personal character, as if those very words I was reading had life. For the very first time, the passages that I had previously just glanced over, were grabbing my attention and causing me to pause to consider what was being said. Prior to that day, I had read the pocket Testament I carried with me every day, almost all day long, and the stories that I read, although I believed them to be true, they did not pertain to me, but were just stories of things that happened a long time ago and things that will happen after Jesus returns; but they were never about me! That is what changed for me that day; now, as I read God's Holy words, they mean much more than just stories and prophecy of things to come, they involve me and my relationship with a great God that loves me. What this verse speaks to my heart about, is that God has demonstrated over and over how He will deliver; no matter what your situation might be, or how totally impossible things might appear, God is able and exceedingly capable of getting you through any storm! I think that sometimes we figure that God is not working those great miracles that He once did, like parting the sea, or causing the earth to stand still; but we must never doubt what God could or could not do in any situation, because He can do whatever He wants to do, when ever He wants to do it; it is just a matter of whether or not it is His will. As far as those old stories go, I read them now and love to just marvel at how great a God we serve; knowing that He is more than able to do anything, anytime, in any one's life that He chooses. I still believe that He can heal my wife, even though it has been over nine years, I still pray over her several times a day; but I also know that it is God's will that I must submit to, and as I wait, I must praise Him for the hope that remains, and believe that He is still capable of performing great things; because He definitely is, and has proven that He can; He saved me, and that tells me He is still in the wonder working business...

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