Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Staying Focused"

"But be not Thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste Thee to help me." (Psalms 22:19) So is there more than one way to get into heaven? Not according to the Bible, because as I see the Scriptures saying, Jesus Christ is the only way that man's sins can be forgiven, and without forgiveness of sin there will be a judgement before God for those sins, resulting in eternal death and damnation. It is called "the second death", and in Revelation 20:11-15 there is the description of the judgement which shall take place, and the multitudes of those who shall be judged according to their "works", with works meaning a persons business or his conduct, and is applied those things that were done devoid of the life that has its source in God; works so to speak 'unwrought', which at the last judgement will fail of the approval of God and of all reward. In the final verse of that chapter, verse fifteen, it says, "And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. If I understand this wording that is written, and if I take this to mean what it says, as if it is the truth, then there are only two places that are mentioned where one might end up; either you are written in "The Lamb's Book of Life" or you are cast into HELL!!! Howbeit; the Hell that Jesus was to go to was not that place spoken of in Revelation 20:14, but it was a place He spoke of where there would be suffering for some and paradise for others; either party separated by a large gulf of division, where neither could cross to the other side, yet they could see one another. I do not believe that this place is still in existence; at least not for those that are saved and have given their hearts to the Lord; but it is still reserved for those that are to be judged for their sins, and those that will be judged will know right away where they will be going. In the account given by Jesus of this place (Luke 10:19-31), He tells us that there will be torment for those who are waiting for judgement; a constant thirst will be the result of the flames that surround them. Yet, this is not their final resting place; nor is that torment the torment that will follow "the second death" spoken of in Revelation 20:14. Do you get a sense of some kind of responsibility towards those that need to hear the truth? All that it takes to keep them from the pit of Hell is for someone who knows the truth to share that truth with them, and for them to believe! Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32); however, you cannot know the truth until you come to Jesus; therefore, those that are lost in a belief that is false, will not see their blindness until they are given sight, and only Jesus can give them sight to see the truth. Romans 10:17, which is part of "The Romans Road", says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". We that have God's truth in us have a responsibility to share that which we have been given, and not to turn away from those that need the truth out of a fear of offending them, or even to respect their beliefs; because if they do not have Jesus and we bid them on their way, which way are they headed???

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