Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Joy To The World"

"The ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee." (Psalms 22:27) If you stop and think about what was declared by the angel to both Mary before Jesus was conceived, and to those shepherds after His birth, the proclamations that were made was for the whole world; as was the promise made to Abraham regarding "in his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed" (Genesis 22:18). No longer was it that the Jews would be the only chosen people of God, but all that "remember and turn unto the LORD" will be His people. It is easy enough to understand what it means to turn unto the Lord, but the "remember" part of the equation is the part that many times we do not fully understand. Why do we turn to the Lord? Do we turn to Him for happiness and a way that our life will be safe and secure? Or maybe we turn to Him because we want healing from something, or because of financial problems we think that He will deliver us from? Maybe it is your life that is all screwed up, and you have come to the Lord for Him to fix it, and to make you a better person? All of these things are all well and good to be prayed for, and even to be expected as things which will happen or become non issues; but they are not the reason that we are to turn to the Lord. Our number one problem is sin: we are sinners that are in need of a Redeemer, which can deliver us from our sins and reconcile us with God. This is what Jesus came for, and the reason that we are to "remember" what our condition is and what it is that we need to fix it. Otherwise, if we do not realize what we need, we really cannot get the proper fix; just as if we took an aspirin because we thought it would make us better, when we really needed a doctor, because our problem was cancer or some other internal decease. Jesus will give us peace and joy, and our life will be better because of the relationship we have with Him and His love that dwells in our hearts; but these things are not totally realized or longlasting if we do not have eternal life, and eternal life only comes from "The Bread of Life", and we can only truly partake of the Bread of Life if we know why it is that we need to! We must realize our need for a Saviour, and that we need to be saved from our sinful state and death; because it is not about joining a church or being a part of a movement, it is about our eternal life and our relationship with God; a relationship that is only made possible by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. Through His blood He has provided enough cleansing for the entire world; all the kindreds of nations shall worship Him, because He has made a way for every nation to be His people, and every person to experience the real joy that comes from having eternal life with Him... "Jesus said unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth." (John 4:21-24)    

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