Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"What meaneth this?" - Acts chapter 2

..."they were all with one accord in one place."
God's people came together for the express purpose to glorify God; and He was glorified. They did not ask for it or even expect it, but God poured out His Spirit and it just happen. A multitude of people were directly spoken to, and in their native tongue. They heard the works of God being proclaimed in their language and were confounded.
Sometimes God can be manifested in our circumstances. We did not ask for it, or even expect it, but through it and in the midst of it, God is glorified. Then those that are standing by or onlookers are amazed, confounded and wonder "What meaneth this?; which can lead to the next question
"What must we do?". Yes, there are those that while watching say things like, "this just doesn't make any sense", or "you must be crazy". However, when we are determined in our hearts to give God the glory, no matter what; then He is glorified. When God is glorified His wonderful works are manifested. When His works are manifested Jesus is proclaimed. When Jesus is proclaimed people get saved, hearts are turned towards Him and cities are turned up side down.
I have this song stuck in my head!!!! "Let the Glory of the Lord rise among us..."

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