Friday, January 8, 2010

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - Psalms 139:14

I wanted to share something about prayer today; maybe tomorrow; but as I was thinking about prayer and how I pray, I began thinking about David and him rising up early to pray; but then God put something else on my heart. I began thinking on how special we are in His sight; and how God created us in a way that was so different from the other things He created. Genesis chapter 1 gives the account of creation, and the order and manner in which God created all that is in the visible world. For there to be heavens, earth, fish, birds and animals, God spoke it all into being; but for man, God said, "Let us make man in Our image", and then He formed man with His own hands and the breathed life into him and man became a living soul; (Gen 2:7). Now I know that some may not believe this, but there is life before childbirth. In Luke 1:39-45 there is an account where Mary who was with child, (Jesus), greeted Elizabeth who was with child, (John the Baptist), and as soon as Mary said her hello the child within Elizabeth leaped in her womb. I remember about 12 years ago that Matt Drudge published a picture on his site, (The Drudge Report), and he also presented it on his show which was on Fox News. It was a photo of a surgeon performing spinal surgery on a fetus while in it's mother's womb; and the little unborn child reached up out of the womb and took hold of the doctor's finger. I remember Matt making a really big deal of this on his show, and oddly enough, not to long after that he no longer had a show on Fox News. I say this with all sincerity; the practice of taking an unborn child's life is rooted in the darkest of evils. A new headline on the Drudge Report from Wednesday said; "Abortion Super Center set to open in Houston"; and this Planned Parenthood facility will have a special wing to focus on late term abortions. I was told by my mother that she had contemplated having an abortion when I was conceived. She was very young, (16 if I recall); she thankfully felt a love for me as I moved within her, and as she told me, "she would have gladly died giving birth to me that I might live". What a contrast to a mother that would destroy a life just for convenience sake. This day in which we live is very evil, and is becoming more and more evil with every passing day. We need to wake up and smell the coffee; (as my mother would say).

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