Friday, January 22, 2010

"SEATED IN CHRIST" - Eph. 2:1-10

While reading Acts chapter 19 this morning, I was reminded of how easily we can get sideways in not only our daily walk, but also in our service for God. The moment we start doing something that is outside the will or the power of God, we are walking in our own power and doing our own will. This is so easy to see in the example of the seven sons of Sceva, which we can see in Acts 19:11-17. Here we have an account of people trying to do mighty works of God, but without being seated in Christ; they have no real power to perform them. I remember my first encounter with a demon possessed person, after I got saved. I was in the L.A. County Jail, seated in a very wide corridor, outside a hearing room; I was there for a special early release hearing. All of the sudden I noticed four large 'Bulls' escorting a man wrapped in shackles down the hallway and towards where I sat. I could tell right away that this guy was demon possessed, and that he was someone that could really have power to wreck some people. Here were these really large deputies actually struggling to escort this one prisoner; then right when they got to where I was seated, they stopped; not because the officers wanted to stop, but because the possessed one did. I was trying to avoid eye contact with this crazy man, but it was hard to do when I kind of knew that the reason they stopped was because this crazy guy had something to say to me; and say he did. As my eyes meet his gaze, he spews out; "I know Jesus too!"; and then off they went down the corridor, the four 'Bulls' fighting to keep him moving. Wow, what in the world was that; I started looking all over my chest to see if I had Jesus written across it. The other people in the area were looking at me strange, as if I was somehow connected with the guy that just freaked them out. I realized that I had my store with me, but it was not visible to him, because it was on the other side of me from the direction he came; my store was a accordion file holder that was full of cigarettes and candy bars; with 'Jesus Loves Me' written on the side. I would bring it with me every time I was sent to 'County', because I could sell things for a lot more there than I could get for them back at 'Wayside'. Later, when I was able to get alone with God, I prayed for His answer about that experience; and He lead me to Acts chapter 19, and this encounter that seven sons of Sceva had with a demon possessed man. Here we see the result of trying to do something outside the power of God. These seven guys got ravaged by this one demon possessed guy; because they were not actually seated in Christ, but were trying to do a work that required it. In verse 13, we see them taking it upon themselves to call out an evil spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus, but without knowing Jesus; they said, "We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches". To which the evil spirit answers, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?"; and then he wrecked them. In Ephesians 2:1-10, we can see the very first principle to our life in Christ, and our ability to not only to walk in Christ, but to be able to stand against not only the power of our own flesh, but also to stand against the powers of darkness. We must first be seated in Christ before we can walk in Christ, and especially before we can stand in Christ. There is a book I have read several times, by Watchmen Nee, it is called 'Sit, Walk, Stand', and is based on the book of Ephesians; it is a really good read if you ever get the chance. In it, he relates sitting in Christ, as to be someone that is a paraplegic and must be seated within a wheelchair; to go anywhere, you must first be seated in that chair, and the chair being Christ. So, in order to walk in Christ, (move about), we must first be seated in Christ, (in the wheelchair); or guess what; we go nowhere; kind of like a 'dead fish laying on the carpet', (a verse from a song by Jars of Clay). Now the really powerful part, standing; remember that you are a paraplegic, you are not able to even walk without Christ, let along stand; and when you do stand, it is not because of anything you posses, but it is through the power of Christ that you are lifted out of that chair and standing. But, and I mean but; we always have to remember that we are seated in Christ, first and foremost; because as soon as we start walking, even after taking a stand; if we are not sitting back in that chair, we will fall; just like a dead fish.

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