Tuesday, January 12, 2010


When we arrived at the church for rehearsal, Dan's wife was waiting for us at the door with excitement on her face, she was so excited to inform us that Dan had written a song for our wedding. As we entered the sanctuary, Dan was already behind the piano practicing and making beautiful music, and Pastor Mike was standing at the base of the stage waiting; it seemed as if the mood was set for worship. We meet with Mike briefly to discuss what time during the ceremony would be best for the alter call; we decided to have it done while we were kneeling, preparing for communion, with our backs to the crowd; that way we could be praying without notice. Finally the day had come; and as my bride came down that isle, I knew right then and there, that this was her day; what a beautiful bride! I felt like I was the luckiest man alive. We had wanted to make this wedding all about Jesus, but there was no denying, that at that moment it was all about a Glorious Bride! Everything went as planned; we meet at center stage, held each others hands, and Pastor Mike began explaining what marriage was all about and why we were all there that day; in that moment I realized what a sacred event it really was. Dan played the piano and sang wonderfully, making the moment seem all the more holy and divine. After we took our two candles to light the center candle, we went to the front of the stage, turned and knelt with our backs to the crowd. Pastor Mike shared about the first miracle that Jesus did, which was turning water into wine at a wedding; and we prayed. With our backs to the crowd, we prayed for those that were there we knew were there not only to witness a wedding, but were also there to meet Jesus. As Pastor Mike began the invitation for anyone that may what to receive Christ unto the hearts, we prayed even harder; and then he said, "Raise up your hand; I see you, and you, and you"; while we said together, "Amen, Thank You Jesus". After communion, we meet center stage to exchange our vows, our rings, and that very special kiss. Finally, Pastor Mike turns us towards the crowd and declares, "I present to you, Richard and Marianne Norrup". Matthew 19:5&6

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