Monday, January 18, 2010

'I Choose Joy' - Phil. 4:4-9

I have to be perfectly honest with you, that there are days when I seem to have no control of my emotions, and I will weep profusely; in other words, I am abundantly sorrowful, and I cry like a little child that just had his favorite pet run over by a bus. But in those times, I feel the Lord right beside me, with His arm around me and patting me on the back; saying, "it's okay; go ahead and let it out". After all, wouldn't we as parents do the same for our child; knowing that they need to just get it out of their system. So I weep for a short period of time; the longest being about 3 hours; but usually I determine in my heart to let it happen for only a short while, more like 30 minutes tops. Besides, I know that the Lord does not want me to be like that for very long; just as I as a parent would not want my child to continue for very long in their suffering, and would sooner or latter say, "enough already; stop bawling". Having said all that, let me assure you, that this is something I do alone, and not where anyone can see; although, sometimes I forget, and start bawling over my wife. Then I realize what I am doing, as I look down at her face and see sadness forming in her eyes. I never, ever want my wife to even begin to think that I am burdened by caring for her, or that there is no hope. That would make her want to give up; and that I will not have. But instead, I surround her with joy, love, praise and affection; knowing that as I express to her the joy in my heart; she experiences joy. So also I choose to do in my daily walk; that no matter where I am, or what I am doing, I should do all with a joyful heart. How is joy a choice you may ask? Well, to put it in the most simple terms; because we are told to have joy, and God would not tell us to do something we could not do. Paul in writing Philippians, was in jail, and at this point of his life had come to the conclusion that he was not going to get out; and in fact, the only way he was going to, was by death. But yet, he was full of joy, and was able to rejoice in his sufferings. I am sure that there were moments where he would weep privately, wanting to be free to visit a certain brother, or minister in a particular situation; but he would never not let his joy be known. This was not always the case with Paul; in Acts 15:39, there is a good example of a angry Paul moment; in fact the contention that Paul had over Mark was so heated, that him and Barnabas permanently separated. Paul had many trials since that angry moment; and with each and every trial that he had, God was working patience into his life. Now in jail and with Mark at his side, he shares what it means to; and how to; "Rejoice in the Lord always". In verse 8 he writes: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things".

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