Saturday, January 16, 2010

Prepared For God; By God - Hosea 2:23

Looking back, it is sometimes easy to see how God moves in our lives; even before we knew Him. For me, the best example of His BC leading was back in 1980; which was about a year or so before accepting Christ into my heart. My wife and I were not married yet, but we had our son, who was about 6 months old, and were living in a small apartment. I was not working, per say, but I was generating an income; I was dealing drugs. I was also serving 3 years probation at the time on a conviction of possession with intent to sell a ounce of Angle Dust; which happen while I was in the Navy. It is fortunate that I was in the Navy, because I could have been sentenced to 5 years in prison; but instead, received a suspended 5 year sentence, $2,500.00 fine and 3 years of formal probation. Needless to say, that did not stop me from dealing in drugs. Well, long story short, the day came when we were set up, and I was arrested selling 10 pounds of 'Chocolate Colombian' weed. There were 5 of us arrested in my little apartment; two that came from San Diego with the product, two that had come to purchase 5 pounds, and myself, (the other 5 pounds were being purchased by the Downey Police Department). At the time my wife was in the bedroom, chopping some 'Mother of Pearl' rocks for us to share with our friends from San Diego, when the deals were done, (we had about a half ounce hidden in the room); but when she knew that there was a police raid, (about 20 cops), she throw the framed picture she was using under the bed. After I was handcuffed, one officer asked if there were any other drugs in the house, to which I replied, "yes", and took them into the bedroom and presented our rolling box to them; which contained about 4 or 5 joints worth of weed. They were not satisfied with my jester, and I knew it; so with a deep sigh I took them to the refrigerator and presented a large Tupperware container which had over six different varieties of the best weed available; all in separate 1 ounce bags. I informed the officers that these were not for sell, but were my own personal stash left over from previous deals; they were satisfied and did not conduct a full search of the apartment; and I was so relieved. They also did not arrest my wife, which was a huge blessing, because that would have ruined us; but instead they left her and our son in the apartment, as the 5 of us went off to jail. Moses, (Deep Water Bail Bonds) was able to get me bailed out, after my wife gave him $1,000.00, and my Grandmother put up her house; and I started what turned out to be a year long court case. I was expecting to go to prison; I was on probation for sales already, with a suspended prison sentence, and the retired Judge that had previously had me in front of him, was trying to see my case; fortunately he gave up after about 8 months. We were kicked out of our apartment, and were forced to live with my mother; what a hell that was, seriously it was; but I needed a place for my family to be kept while I was away. One morning as I sat in the kitchen reading a Bible, (at the time I thought I knew God), I starting to contemplate the mess I was in; living in a crazy place, (alcoholic mother, psychotic brother, wife treated like a slave and driven to tears; not a good place all); looking at doing at least 5 years; no job; and no hope. I can not remember what I was reading, but all of the sudden I felt God speaking to me to get up and get my family out of there. I went and woke my wife and told her I would not be back without a job; and also promised that I would have us out of that house before the month was over. As I rode in a bus from Long Beach to Downey, I thought about anyone I knew who had a job connection, and thought of a friend who had a dad that owned a Napa Auto Parts; so there I went and got a job; it was minimum wage, but it was a job. After 2 weeks we were looking for a place to move, and found a duplex to move into in Bellflower. On my application I had put down that I was a Handyman and that I also restored antique furniture, besides delivering auto parts. Turned out that the landlord bought a commercial property that had 4 very torn up houses on it, and his wife remember me from the interview. I received a call from her and was asked if I would work on their new property after my regular job and on weekends; I agreed. It also turned out that this landlord was also the owner/ operator of a Termite & Pest Control company; and within less than 2 months, approached me to work for him full time, for minimum wage, which was by then kind of a cut in pay, because I had already gotten a $2.00 per hour increase at my regular job; but I accepted his offer and gave my friend's dad notice. I worked for my new employer at least 12 hours a day, everyday; and after 3 months he asked me if I would like to be a salesman for his company. It would require that I get licensed as a Field Representative to perform termite inspections on structures.; I accepted, and was licensed within 2 months, (May 1981). One day, before I actually took my license exam, my boss, (Mick) and I were sitting on his living room floor and going over the licensing application; one question on the form was, "Have you ever been convicted of a Felony?"; to which I answered, "Yes & No"; and Mick asked me to explain. This was my answer; "Well, in 1978 I was arrested and charged for possession with intent to sell a controlled substance; but even though it was a felony charge I received a misdemeanor sentence, so technically I am not a Felon; but currently I am going to court for another felony charge, and this one may become a felony conviction." To which Mick asked, "And what is this new charge?"; so I told him about the mess I was in. After listening, he thought for a moment and then asked, "Do you have a Lawyer?"; I told him I did not, but I had a defence, and said,"I believe in God, and that God created the "seed barring herb", and said it was good; and that I had felt called to provide good herbs to my friends". Well, I do not have to tell you how fast Mick jumped off the floor; he jumped up and shouted, "That's it, I am getting you a Lawyer; and you keep your mouth shut!". By June I was sentenced to one year in the County Jail; my wife was allowed to stay in one of Mick's 30 or more houses; and Mick was holding my job as a Licensed Field Representative for his company until my release. God did this all before I had even gotten saved, (which happen 3 months later). My loving Father had provided for not only all of our current needs, but for the ones that were ahead. What a Awesome God we serve!!!


  1. Wow it is great to read and understand where you came from before being saved. There is always hope I see. Especially when it seems like life won't can.

  2. Yes, there is Hope; even when things seem like they are beyond repair...God is able to turn bad into good :)

  3. You are right. I learned today in church that worrying is a sin. By worrying, we are not trusting that God is able to provide for us. I am going to stop worrying. Stop worrying about money, a car, a job, my will all work out.
