Tuesday, January 19, 2010

GOD KNOWS ! :( -Psalms 69:5

"O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee." It baffles me to no end how easy it is to forget this simple fact; God knows when I am sinning. Maybe it is the fact that I am not struck down immediately whenever I sin that gives me liberty to keep sinning. But really the furthest thing from my mind as I am committing a sin is, God is watching, so I better not do this. How is it possible to even consider the sin knowing that? I think it all boils down to the fact the God is so merciful towards us, that sometimes we take advantage of that mercy. Just as a child does; they push the envelope of their parents patients; to see just how much they can get away with, without being punished. Besides the fact that we have the Holy Spirit abiding in us, and warning us of the dangers ahead; we sometimes will not heed the warnings. I can think back to some periods in my own life, where I would be dealing with a particular sin; and I would ask God to help me; because I was so weak in this area and could not do it alone. Then when that sin reared it's ugly head, there would be something blocking me, a door if you will, that stood in the way between me and that sin. So what did I do; I tried to find a key; if that did not work, I tried to pick the lock; if that did not work, I tried breaking the door down; and if that did not work, I would simply go around the door; I think at that point the Holy Spirit just backed up and turned His back, as not to watch. There is nothing we do that can be hidden from God; not even out thoughts. There were times when I would realize the stupidity of what I was doing and picture the Father looking down at me and saying' "Richard, what are you doing?"; or that Jesus was standing before the Father as my advocate, and having to say, "Well, I really don't know how to explain this one". The bottom line is the when I knowingly sin, I offend all three of Them; the Father, because of the love He has for me; Jesus, for the death He suffered for my sin; and the Holy Spirit being grieved by my actions. One of the verses in the Bible that I do not have to look up to quote is: 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". God knows our frame, and that we are weak, and has pity on us; more than we can know. Psalms 103: 13 & 14

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