Tuesday, October 24, 2023


 "Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him." (John 19:1 KJV)

  "The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Sovereign LORD has spoken to me, and I have listened. I have not rebelled or turned away. I offered my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mockery and spitting." (Isaiah 50:4-6 NLT)

 "O that in meditating on these things we may experimentally know the power of Christ's death, and the fellowship of his sufferings!" (Matthew Henry) As previously stated, it is believed that John wrote this Gospel Message towards the end of his life. Which makes the possibility of him to have had a chance to read the other Gospel Messages, first, before he had written his own version of the events.

 Also, according to many, especially Spiros Zodhiates, Th.D, John had written 1:19 to 21:24 prior to the verses we see in 1:1 to 1:18, as well as 21:25; these are to show the Deity of Jesus Christ, that He was, and is, and always will be, God Almighty! Do you really know what that means, and why it matters so much that we understand it? 

 First of all, The Creator of Heaven and earth, the One who made you and knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb; He stepped down into this fallen world to be offered as a sacrifice for your sins! Not only yours, but the sins of the entire world; including those that sent Him to the cross, those that spit on His face, those that pulled out His beard, and especially the one that put those stipes upon His back! 

 I say, especially, because that was probably the most brutal thing that He had happen to Him. Yes, the cross was horrible, and it caused great suffering; but this man who had the honor of whipping Him, this man's beating was withstood and taken, with the greatest of humility! You can't even imagine what it might have been like, to be able to stop it, to slay that man beating you, with just a thought; yet to take everything you were given, as if you deserved it! 

 Secondly: Wow! Think about anything that might cause you to blame God for? Your illness, financial issues, your punishment or chastisement for sins; and then think about what Jesus did, to give you eternal life!  When Jesus committed to the task He was given, He owned it...

"Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame. He who gives me justice is near. Who will dare to bring charges against me now? Let them appear!" (Isaiah 50:7-8 NLT) 


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