Thursday, June 8, 2023

"Well Established"

 "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." (John 15:16 KJV)

  "For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." (Colossians 1:13 NLT)

 Let's try to keep this simple; because there are too many people that would like to make it into something that the average person cannot figure out, when it is very simple to understand: This is the Power of God, working in and through us, that His will should be completed! God will finish everything that He has established to happen, that much is sure! 

 If you really want to get right down to it, God's will and purposes are going to happen, even if the ones who oppose them want it to be stopped, they can't and won't, because He has established it from the very beginning! I can't really say it loud enough, because most people will not believe it or accept it, thinking that, if they ignore His principles, they won't be affected by them: but they are wrong! 

 On a lighter note, I was looking for an opportunity to share a message I heard earlier in the week, and I thought was something that some of you might get a kick out of. It was a brief part of the message I heard on my way to church Sunday morning from Pastor Robert, as he shared about Jesus turning the water into wine.

 From the insight of Robert's thinking, Mary must have known firsthand that Jesus could produce wine, somehow or someway, just by the way she asked Him, saying, "They have no more wine," making it an assumption, she didn't need to say much else, because it was leaving the statement hanging, "You need to do something about it!" 

 After Jesus responded, "That's not our problem, my time has not yet come," she simply told the servants at the wedding, "Do whatever he tells you", as if she was finishing the argument or discussion, by making it a settled matter and putting the ball in His court. This was in no way her being nothing more than a mother that knew some things about her Son! 

 Having raised Him from a little child, she must have had some moments of watching Him do things which were, shall we say, extraordinary. Most likely, things that were only things that He could do. Pastor Robert made an example, as if she might have told Him, 'Why don't you just swim in the water like all the other kids,' as if He walked on water from time to time as a kid. 

 Maybe, just maybe, He had actually made wine before, taking water from the pond and pouring it out as wine? Something that could have given Mary the reason that she approached Him about it at all. For those that might think this doesn't matter, it is something that gives simplicity towards the point of the matter! 

 God will do what He wants, when He wants; and there is really nothing that anyone can do about it...

"Judah's defenses have been stripped away. You run to your armory for your weapons. You inspect the breaks in the walls of Jerusalem. You store up water in the lower pool. You survey the houses and tear some down for stone to strengthen the walls. Between the city walls, you build a reservoir for water from the old pool. But you never ask for help from the One who did all of this. You never considered the One who planned this long ago." (Isaiah 22:8-11 NLT) 

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