Friday, June 16, 2023

"One of the Same"

 "He that hateth me hateth my Father also." (John 15:23 KJV)

  "Anyone who denies the Son doesn't have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." (1 John 2:23 NLT)

 Yesterday I started out my drive listening to a message about something interesting, speaking of clokes and coverings. Then, it became apparent that the message was meant for me to hear, as it finished up the discussion from yesterday. The bottom line was: 'It doesn't matter who or what changes the clothes on the man; but Who it is that changes the man within the clothes.' 

 Anywho, that is pretty much what I heard. Besides that, we do have another covering, because the Bible says that Jesus clothes us with His righteousness; so, if you really want to get technical, we do have a new set of cloths, that cannot be taken away from us! Regardless of what might happen, the main One that will be looking at us, is the Father; He is the One that matters, when it comes to our condition, whether we are righteous or not. 

 Another part of that message is, from Pastor Jeff, was that the only one he knows for sure is saved within the congregation, is himself; because no one can judge whether or not someone else is going to heaven. We all are responsible for our own standing with God, it is between you and the Lord, as to what is really true within your heart. 

 As I have said before, growing up in the J.W. teaching, for most of my childhood, it is easy for me to remember how Jesus was really not given much respect; at least not directly! The reason I say that, is because they worship Jehovah, but do not really understand who Jehovah God really is! They call themselves Jehovah Witnesses but refuse to witness the Jehovah of the Bible! 

 That is actually a pretty big deal, because it basically means: THE LORD IS SALVATION, which is the equivalent to the I AM, which basically means, "the non-changing eternal one". How about that? The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End; He who does not change, "The same, yesterday, today, and forever." Wonder who that might be! JESUS...

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday. today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8 NLT) 

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