Friday, October 1, 2021

"Witness of Authority"

 "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." (John 5:43 KJV) 

  "And no one can become a high priest simply because he wants such an honor. He must be called by God for this work, just as Aaron was. That is why Christ did not honor himself be assuming he could become High Priest. No, he was chosen by God, who said to him, "You are my Son. Today I have become your Father." And in another passage God said to him, "You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."" (Hebrews 5:4-6 NLT)

 "Before there was anything made, that was made." If you ask me what that means, the very first thing I would think of, is that there was nothing before something. I mean, really, what else could there be, if there be not anything? Not that I have any clue as to what was or was not; but it would make perfect sense to me, that if God is Spirit, to make something from nothing, He might speak it into existence. 

 There is something here that I believe will help in the understanding of what this might look like, the word, 'name.' Isn't it interesting that Adam was given the assignment by God to name all of the animals? If you stop and think about it, his duty to give them names, is pretty much him being given authority over them. If you can give something a name, then you have some sort of control over them, in some form or fashion. 

 Not to change the subject of the conversation, but when God renamed Jacob, the name He gave to him, was Israel; which just so happens to mean: Governed by God. If I am not mistaken, governed means to have authority over; much as any government can tell people that are living under it, what to do and when to do it. 

 Believe it or not, but the whole point made by the term, Generation, is the life lived within a span of time; but the Government spans many generations. Not to be out of place or stepping on any toes; but, if the Government has been established, the next generation must adhere to existing rules. Not quite sure how this has been taken to this level, but it would appear that there has been misunderstanding in the structure of the rules.

 To make sense of what it is that might be or not be happening, this is pretty much the point that Jesus is making to these Jewish leaders. The word, 'Name,' is the same word for both instances, the Father's name, and another who comes in his own name; both of which speak of rank, which is really based upon the subjects point of view. Even though that does not actually mean there is validity in what the subject believes; because anyone can be deceived into believing something that is not true.

 However, when it comes to believing in God's ability to govern, meaning that He has the power to do whatever He wants, nothing we might think about anything really matters a whole heck of a lot...

""After this time had passed, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven. My sanity returned, and I praised and worshipped the Most High and honored the one who lives forever. His rule is everlasting, and his kingdom is eternal. All the people of the earth are nothing compared to him. He does as he pleases among the angels of heaven and among the people of earth. No one can stop him or say to him, 'What do you mean by doing these things?'" (Daniel 4:34-35 NLT) 

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