Tuesday, October 12, 2021

"The Powerless"

"And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased." (John 6:2 KJV)

  "A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn't speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them all. The crowd was amazed! Those who hadn't been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well, the lame were walking, and the blind could see again! And they praised the God of Israel." (Matthew 15:30-31 NLT)

 Before I gave my life to Christ, I thought I was pretty tuff and could pretty much do whatever I wanted to do. Not that I had anything of greatness to my credit; but what I did, I usually did well enough to feel good about how I did it, even if it didn't work out. If I could place a name or reference to what that kind person was, the title above would most likely not be the one! 

 Then again, looking back at everything, the good, the bad, the hard times, the good times; the times of regret, the times to cherish; there was never a single moment in any of all those experiences of life, that I could hold or make my own. Nothing we have, can we hold onto! We might think it is ours, we might even claim it is so; but when it comes right down to it, we have nothing left when we go! 

 Having said that, I need to let everyone know: I have Jesus! Yes, I am well aware that He has me; so you really don't need to correct me. But, if there is one thing that I get to hold onto, Jesus is that which shall never leave me, nor forsake me, nor ever let go of me! What do you see when you think of that? A vast bright space of empty happiness? 

 No matter who you are in this world, or how much power you might think you have, you are weak and vulnerable! If the face of the man within the creature were to mean anything to us, it would be just that; we are just a man: a frail and lowly creature that is dependent upon God, for everything! Breath, life, love, peace; righteousness! I could go on and on about so many things, but it will all be about nothing, because only Jesus will remain! 

 Besides, think about how He came! For a portion of His life, He was a baby; can I relate...

"The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow."  (Ecclesiastes 1:18 NLT) 

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