Thursday, September 17, 2020


 "Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee." (S.O.S. 4:7)

  As with that which was spoken before, only God has the right to say, "I will," it is naturally His and His alone! God says, "Let there be light," and there is light, at His command, no questions asked and without any hesitation, the light appears out of the darkness; God spoke, and there was Light! Something here is a little bit different, in that there is another word that is added to the Bridegroom's description of his spouse, as this time he uses the word, "all," as if to say that she is perfect, or all good! 

  If there were any other thing that God has the only authority to do, that would be that; because only God can say, "There is no spot in thee!" Look up the word, justification, and see what you get: "the action of declaring or making righteous in the sight of God." And that is just from a secular dictionary; if you want to get really into the meaning, it can involve all sorts of serious acts of purification and things that are no longer looked upon or seen in a certain light; kind of like that meaning for the most wicked king Judah ever had, "causing to forget." Because what this word actually means, as far as God is concerned, it means: Just As If I Never Sinned! 

  This is something really outside of our capability, to forget when someone might sin against us; although we might forgive someone, mostly because we are told that we must, we do not forget that it ever took place or how much it might have hurt; especially when they might do it again! This is totally and completely something that is only God's and God's alone; He can make it happen in Him, and He will make it one day happen in every one of us. There are at least twenty or more references in the Bible where God clearly says, "I will remember their sins no more." 

  As previously stated, only God has the right to say, "I Will," because He alone is God! And as He clearly explained it to Peter, "Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean." (Acts 10:15) NLT

  In other words, God's Word makes it so, one way or another...

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Romans 8:1) 

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