Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 "Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense." (S.O.S. 4:6)

  As many of you know by know, I am more of a nut; it is just that, for it is what I have always been, and always will be. And as you also might know, I sometimes love to assign meanings to the number of the verses, especially verses six and seven. It is also highly known that I can sometimes be over the top, and sometimes will even step outside the lines; even on occasion, my spiritualation of the Test may go just a tad too far; too far for some to stick around and listen. But, truth be told, some days are not so nutty, and some days are altogether wonderful; I pray that this might be one of those days!

  Matthew Henry states something interesting about this verse, as he says: "Some make these to be the words of the spouse, either modestly ashamed of the praises giver her, and willing to get out of the hearing of them, or desirous to be constant to the holy hill, not doubting but there to find suitable and sufficient succour and relief in all her straits, and there to cast anchor, and wish for the day, which, at that time appointed, would break and the shadows flee away." It might be, but highly doubtful, as this is none other than the Bridegroom declaring that that time will surely come! 

  Jesus said, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:3) Jesus did not say, "if," as if doubting it would happen; not in the least: it was making the affirmative statement of what would take place when He left them, and why it was the best plan for them if He did. In other words, it was making them feel a little comfort in knowing that He needed to depart into heaven, even though they really might have wanted Him to stick around. 

  Besides that, He already knows the end from the beginning; so there is a sad and happy thing that is being expressed, as there is sadness in this moment, but oh, what gladness and rejoicing will be waiting in the end! In the meantime, there He waits, standing at the Father's side, making intersession for me and anyone else that needs Him to be a Lawyer, to give them defense! 

  Which reminds me, before I forget; this morning I woke up thinking about one of the most wicked kings in Judah, who was named, "Manasseh." His name sounds like he was quite a mess, as he also made quite a mess in the streets of the city; but, oddly enough, it actually means: Causing To Forget! Whether you can accept it or not, you can look forward to meeting this once evil man, as he too has had his sins washed away and they have been forgotten! BUYA...

"Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God's law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin." (Romans 7:25) NLT

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