Sunday, September 13, 2020

"Side By Side" -Too

 "Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies." (S.O.S. 4:5)

  I am a little concerned about the church; not that there are not enough people or enough churches, but that for the most part, the churches are being silent and ignoring all that is being forced upon them. Never mind about this virus, something of a distraction to what is really going on; there are some very serious things that are being placed upon the children; things that most of those that are adults, have absolutely no clue how to control it, let alone the extend of the damage that is being done.

  I got that off my chest, and now it's time to get serious! Matthew Henry makes the case that these breasts are more than just ornaments; even though that is what they are: they are critical to the life of the believer, the growth and maturity of the church, and the way the church is seen by the world, sees itself, and is held up as something of critical importance by every single God fearing man and woman of God! This is more than just a hood ornament; yet, at the same time it most be, just that! If you could put your finger on this, without getting too flashy, it would be to relate that concept to the Mercedes-Benz ornament that they use upon there hoods; it is a symbol of  a world famous product, representing the oldest automotive works in the world, and as the ultimate symbol of luxury.

  To make this a little less complicated, we need to go to the Word for a little more clarification. To the point of importance; if you want to get really technical, the church is to be the place where the Word of God is taught and where Jesus Christ is made known; a place where there are people added, drawn in, and where lives are changed from dead and dying, to being alive and living. They are not meant to be social clubs or places where we punch our ticket for being on the side of God. John makes this point very clear, as he says, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) 

  That, if you will, is our hood ornament! There is nothing greater than that which we have been given; there is nothing more powerful than He who dwells within us, who is not only the most famous product, but is the Maker of everything that there is! The ultimate symbol of luxury is a serious understatement! He is the one that gives eternal life: you and I are those who declare this; we get to declare it; we are responsible to declare it: so it must be declared! 

  On a more personal note: Matthew Henry finishes with this: "Or the breasts of a believer are his love to Christ, which he is pleased with, as a tender husband is with the affections of his wife, who is therefore said said to be to him as the loving hind and the pleasant roe, because her breasts satisfy him at all times, Prov. 5:19. This includes also his edifying others and communicating grace to them, which adds much to a Christian's beauty." Word: Rinse and Repeat...

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)   

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