Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"What Can I Do!"

"The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters are fir." (S.O.S. 1:17)

  To try and make sense of this, there is one thing that we must identify that this verse and last has in common, besides being furniture and parts of the building; they are co-owned. Not that I have not tried to call anything I have my own, because saying that would be a lie; it is almost as natural for me to say, as it is to call my wife, my wife. But this is something entirely different; this is about something that is shared and of joint use or relationship. It would be awkward to say it any other way, much like speaking of the bedroom you share with your spouse, and calling it your bedroom; or to be talking with your sister and calling the mother you both share, my mother.
  The same thing is true for the any ministry or work that we do for the Lord: it must be a joint work or ministry! I know there will be disagreement in that observation; but having owned a business and lived under that type of structure, I know what it is like to be the owner, verses the hireling. There is this whole different level of responsibility that you automatically assume, because you have invested interest in what happens under your roof, (no pun intended.)
  The example of this is easy to see, as the house obviously belongs to her beloved, yet she is making a clear statement of co-ownership, calling it, "our bed, our house, our rafters." This is the product of what is complete in our relationship with Christ: we are One! As is pictured, He is the head; the house is ultimately His, but we are dwelling in Him; so therefore, the house is ours.
  It gets pretty complicated if you start trying to keep track of what is what; but in the world of what is who's, it is all the Lord's, no matter what! You simply cannot claim anything as your own! That, for all intended purposes, includes your cross; yes, that's right, that cross your called to pick up and follow with, it is not your cross; although it is your's to bare, it is also your's that you share.
  Which leads me to something unique about these two verses, because the bed is a piece of furniture, but the beams and the rafters are the structural parts of the house. What do you think that the cross is for? It is surely not something that we carry around and wear! It is to be killed upon...

  "For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter." (Romans 7:5-6)

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