Thursday, May 9, 2019

"Life Assurance"

"Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber or sleep." (Psalms 121:4)

  For what it is worth, the salvation that we have been given is stronger than the human will; whether or not you can accept it, if you have been truly saved, then you have been saved, and there is no turning back from that! I know, there are so many different points of view on this subject; but the point of view that truly matters is the LORD'S! If He says it is so, then it is so, whether you believe it or not. This is really not about what we can or cannot do; this is about what God has done, and what He does, can not ever be undone, not in a million years! If it is proof you are looking for, then let's look closely at what this verse represents. That message of the last verse seemed like it could indicate that there was something practical in place, like we must keep our footing, and if we do our part, then He will do his. Isn't that the argument of those that try to say you can loose, misplace, or throw away your salvation? This is not that kind of practical situation; this is God keeping that which He has established. Why anyone would accept the notion that God has given up on Israel, is something I really cannot understand, especially if they are holding on to the belief that God is not going to let go of them; unless they have somehow found the secret of being perfect, they have nothing to brag about or indicate that they are better; and they surely have no right to judge what God thinks of Israel. The way I see it, Israel is the perfect picture of you and me; as much as they mess up and as much as they turn their backs on God, He never gives up on them. Do you know why that is? If you don't, then you need to go back to the very beginning and understand what is the most important thing to God. What do you think is the most important thing to God? Okay, this is going to make you head hurt a little bit, but what could possible never slumber or sleep? I mean, really think about it, because it is something that is something that can never be taken back; so because it can never be taken back, it can never change; and because it can never change, it never slumbers or sleeps. I you need a clue what that might be, it is given in the very beginning of Genesis and in the Book of John. I'm just saying, if you need proof...

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." Genesis 1:3

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