Sunday, November 26, 2017

"Shaken and Stirred"

"He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke." (Psalms 104:32)
Okay, so that was rather interesting, you think! Actually, I think God was preparing my heart for the task I took on yesterday, cleaning out the garage. I looked at stuff that has been in boxes for over 20 years; every where I looked, my heart was broken. I have never groaned so much in a single day; over and over, each memory I exposed kept reminding me of the things and people that I miss, and the mistakes that I wish I could take back, and all the things I did not do, to the best of my ability. We serve a God the loves to bless His children, even if we are hard headed and reckless. Some things that we suffer through are things that are meant to get our attention, while others are meant to correct our direction; but all things are meant to work towards the better; at least that is what God says in His word. Today I feel the need to ask God to give me the faith to believe it, that it all works towards the good. It's not that I don't want to believe it, because there is where hope is found, and hope gives me the chance to rejoice in what is to come. That is it! Stop focusing on all that which you have way to fix or go back and correct, and start focusing the eternity that waits ahead! When we focus upon the place that we have in Heaven, then what is behind us does not matter, and what might happen between here and there does not seem so important. What really matters is place that the Lord is preparing for us; nothing here on this earth can compare to that. But I do miss my son. I miss that I had a chance to say that I loved him. That is the one thing I do not neglect to tell my wife; over and over, all day long, I tell her how much that I love her. It is all that I can do, is to express my love for her, and to look for some kind of a reaction. In that regard, I feel tremendously blessed...
"Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence! As fire causes wood to burn and water to boil, your coming would make the nations tremble. Then your enemies would learn the reason for your fame! When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked! For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him! You welcome those who gladly do good, who follow godly ways. But you have been very angry with us, for we are not godly. We are constant sinners; how can people like us be saved? We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind. Yet no one calls on your name or pleads with you for mercy. Therefore, you have turned away from us and turned us over to our sins. And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." (Isaiah 64:1-8) NLT

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