Friday, November 3, 2017


"He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills." (Psalms 104:10)
Just because it is short, does not mean it won't speak volumes. That is pretty much what I had upon my mind and heart this morning as I woke. The key word in the verse today is, "sendeth," as in, He sendeth! Whatever it is, it really does not matter, whether it is to bless or to correct, it is He that will send it, therefore, it will be good! Both James and Peter speak to this, without reservation, they do not hold back from letting us know that all good things come from our Heavenly Father, even that which might sting a little, if it is meant to get our attention, then it is all for the better. God's intentions are always to make us into a better person; much like any father in the world that care about his child, if there is some sort of punishment that is being administered, it is not to punish, but it is intended to be for correction. What matters more than anything else is what happens to our soul; never mind the stuff that the world might be able to put upon us, it the soul that needs to be looked after. All those different directions and ways listed over the last four days, that was all about God's ability and His determination to get us through, to get us to the other side, and to make us into the precious jewels that we are intended to be in His Kingdom, not here on this earth; although, this earth matters for His glory and for the testimony that our life is meant to be, ultimately, God cares about us, each and every one of us that are chosen to be His children. And because we are His, He will go out of His way to assure that we are safe and secure, all the way to the very end. The "valleys" are low places, if you will; they are places which run between the hills, the hills being those places which are higher and places of enjoyment. The valleys are not bad places, although they might appear to be rather low and sometimes the places we look forward to getting out of; they are the places where He sends the water, the springs, the stuff the nourishes and refreshes our souls. If we could see the benefit of what they provide, then we would willingly come down from those hills to be refreshed in the valleys; much like a hiker would come down from the mountain path to drink from the stream below. Unfortunately, that's not how it works, not while we are on the hills; but ABBA knows best...
""When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their tongues are perched from thirst, then I, the LORD, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them. I will open up rivers for them on the high plateaus. I will give them fountains of water in the valleys. I will fill the desert with pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the parched ground. I will plant trees in the barren desert -cedar, acacia, myrtle, olive, cypress, fir, and pine. I am doing this so all who see this miracle will understand what it means -that it is the LORD who has done this, the Holy One of Israel who created it."" (Isaiah 41:17-20) NLT

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